Saturday, September 17, 2011

Weight Loss and Sweating


Abdullah Salim

Contrary to popular belief, sweating only leads to minor weight loss. When one sweats, the body loses only water weight, which contains essential electrolytes such as minerals and salts. Only a few sweat glands in the body secrete lipids and that too in very small quantities at a time. You do not have to perspire to lose weight. And the weight you lose from sweating is just water weight. Any weight you lose from sweating by exercising in a plastic suit or in the sauna will be regained whenever you drink water next. Also excessive sweating can cause your body to lose fluids, which can lead to a dangerous dehydrated state.

Function of Sweating

Perspiration or sweating is the release of water from your skin. The body sweats so that it can maintain a healthy body temperature. This is the primary function of sweating. As your body temperature increases, the pores in your skin begin to secrete sweat. As the water contained in the sweat evaporates, the skin cools down. The rate of sweating increases with exertion and temperature. Men can lose around 5.25 pounds, while women may lose up to 2.95 pounds in one hour due to sweat loss. However, as all the lost weight is only water, you gain it back right away when you drink up. Also, sweating does not cause your body to lose the fat deposits within your body. Water is in fact necessary for burning fat, so if you are looking for sustained weight loss, make sure you keep yourself hydrated. So those of you, who think sitting in a sauna will help you lose fat and weight through sweating, think again.

Exercise, Sweating and Healthy Weight Loss

In order to achieve long term and healthy weight loss, you need tocreate a calorie deficit in the body by burning up more calories than you are consuming. This can be achieved through regular exercising. Typically, as you workout, your core temperature also increases, signaling the brain to start the sweating mechanism. Exercising accompanied with the simultaneous sweating leads to loss of weight from burning stored fat and consumed calories along with the loss of water weight.

Cardiovascular activities such as swimming, running and cycling are effective ways of burning calories and losing weight.

So, keep in mind that sweating alone will not help you lose weight in the long term. Trying to sweat out pounds can lead to severe dehydration, which can prove to be dangerous in warm conditions. The loss of water can cause a heat stroke.



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